Góðan daginn SÍGÍ félagar,

Fróðleikur og skemmtun frá HÁ Verslun ehf.

Sjá að neðan umsögn af reynslu yfirvallarstjóra Bay Hill Golf Club, Chris Flynn, af nýjustu afurð Jacobsen Eclipse 360 Lithium.

Eins og margir ykkar vita fer þar nú fram Arnold Palmer Invitational mótið á PGA túrnum.


Every day for the last six months, the Eclipse 360 ELiTE lithium-ion powered greens mower has been in use at the home of the Arnold Palmer Invitational (March 3 – 6) and has impressed every operator that’s cut with it.

For some, it’s the silent operation, and for others, it’s the timing of the reels. The swing-out center reel put a smile on mechanics’ faces in the workshop, and the battery life and quality of cut have been universally praised. Director of grounds, Chris Flynn said,

“What’s been fantastic for us with all our practice greens being so close to the lodge is being able to go up there with the electric mower without making a lot of noise. That has been huge.”

“Another thing is the operators love it. The ease of operation and the timing of how the reels go up and down is great. The cut quality is certainly what Jacobsen has been known for a long, long time.” – Chris Flynn, Director of Grounds, Bay Hill Golf Club & Lodge


“The mechanics have been very pleased with it. The way that back reel swings out was one of the first things our mechanics certainly noticed and put big smiles on their faces. It definitely makes their life’s a lot easier.”
​​”When we wrap up with the mower and charge it up when we’re done, it’s ready to go for the next morning at full capacity. We’ve yet to run into a situation where we ran out of power and couldn’t finish mowing. We’ve mowed all 18 greens, we’ve mowed more than that, double-cutting, and we have yet to have an issue with the mower running out of power before us finishing the job.” – Chris Flynn.